Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Moving on

The next few days involved bussing back to Chile and smuggling illegal foods like honey and jam(all Tiffany´s idea I am totally innocent). We spent one night in a bigger but un noteworthy town called Puerto Mont where we saw Avatar(both liked it) and continued on to Puerto Varas where we are now. PV is a nice, quaint small town with a view of 2 volcanoes. Not too much to do here but we hope to get out and do some hikes near the volcanoes and surrounding parks. Weather is not looking too good, mostly overcast, cool and rainy for the foreseeable future. We´ll go anyway but where the heck is summer? Can´t say I miss the heat in Santiago though.

For those who are wondering when I´m coming back-it´s never. Just kidding. Im working on the logistics and hope to be back in the US around the 11th or so and back to work a week or so after that. Looking forward to being home but not to working so much.

One interesting thing: no one anywhere we have been says adios, they all say Ciao like in Italian. Ciao.


  1. Wu sends his gentlemanly regards as do we, send our regards, that is. Your shoes must be worn out by now.

  2. Wow! Lots of catching up to do. Love the picture posts and it sounds like you are seeing great stuff, having good hikes, and staying well. And heading home soon.

    I crossed a few borders myself over the last week or so (Ohio -> Kentucky -> Tennessee and then Tennessee-> Virginia -> West Virginia and then back to Ohio). Jim was supposed to be by my place while I was there but stayed home due to snow. He slid off the road in the snow recently but no damage to him or the truck. It just doesn't hold the road like the old jeep.

