Sunday, November 15, 2009


The bus ride was from 3 to midnight and was not too bad. Pretty decent meal, windy roads towards the end. We also lost all lights so we could not read but we had our ipods. We found a hostal called ¨Home Sweet Home¨ but it was anything but; lumpy bed, no windows, no TP, no soap. We resolved to upgrade.

We got up and walked to a place highly recommended by the guidebook: Casa De Melgar(with help from the ¨tourism policeman¨,who was very nice). This place is a bit more expensive: $48, but well worth it. It must have been a monastery or something. Our room is all stone, with arched ceilings(pics to come), and a comfortable bed. The place is humongous with courtyards full of trees. plants and birds. It took us 15 min just to walk around the whole place.

After settling in, we took off of walking around town. Arequipa is a very modern city with all you would expect; streets are clean, beautiful architecture(pics to come), tons of restaurants of all types and it seems very safe. We got a smoothie and walked aroud the Plaza De Armas which was beautiful. Apparently every city in Peru has a Plaza De Armas. Got a meal for a bout $12 for both of us that was more than we could possibly eat.

Back to the hostal for some lounging and reading in the courtyard with the birds. A quick nap and out to use the internet, walk around and search for some food.

Tiffany wanted Mexican so we went. They played only 80s and 90s American music; a clarion cal for gringos I guess. Almost everyone there was not a Peruano. Our whole meal came to 20 soles, less than $7.

P.S. I´m feeling a little sick but feels like either a cold or allergies from pollution and dust from Lima and Nazca. We have had no ill effects so far from the 8000 plus ft elevation here.


  1. Cool pics of the Nazca lines. Did you drink chica (sp?) -- that alcoholic fermented corn stuff?

    I just got back from a trip to the wilds of WV. One of my neighbors called me in Cincinnati when he got suspicious about a red truck with WV plates at my place! Okay for OH plates to be there, but not WV!


  2. I didn´t drink anything but did get a tad queasy. I wasn´t holding the barf bag or anything. You´re thinking of Chicha. There´s a non-alcoholic version called chicha morada that I love. Haven´t found the alcoholic version yet. I´ll let you know.
